2016 Vice-Presidential Candidate for the Nonviolent Resistance/Pacifist Party
My first exposure to nonviolent resistance was doing a sit in at the potential site of a nuclear power plant in Bridgman, Michigan. Since then growing up on the South Side of Chicago exposed me to the impact that day to day violence can have on the human psyche. I didn't revisit the question again until I went to an anti-war demonstration in high school and got involved in an economic conversion leafleting campaign at a weapons manufacturing plant in the state of Michigan. I continued the work my sophomore year in college when I canvassed for the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan and later worked for Greenpeace in Chicago doing fundraising and grassroots organizing. I eventually got involved in the peace movement through work with the Nicaragua Solidarity Committee and the Catholic Worker House of Hospitality. I spent the better part of two years opposing the war in Iraq and working for Environmental and Economic justice in Nicaragua. I later went back to school and completed a degree in Political Science and Northwestern University. Since that time I have been contemplating going to graduate school and in addition to a full time job, working to start a food cooperative in Rogers Park were I live.
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