Newport Peace Festival 2000 Sat & Sun, October 14 & 15; Newport, RI
War Resister's League, New York, NY
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Cambridge, MA
The Peace Abbey in Sherbourne, MA
Bruderhof Peacemakers Guide - Fighting For Peace
South Dakota Peace & Justice Center, Watertown, SD
Mt. Diablo Peace Center Walnut Creek, California
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Nyack, NY
Non-Governmental Organizations Committee on Disarmament, related to the United Nations
The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence, Memphis, TN. Also a mirror site.
Michigan Peace Team, Lansing, MI
Peace Brigades International, London, UK
Food Not Bombs
Plowshare Peace & Justice Center, Roanoke, VA
Peace Action and the Peace Action Education Fund
Peace Action
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Abolition 2000, a global network to eliminate nuclear weapons
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)
Mennonite Central Committee
Friends Committee on National Legislation, Washington, D.C.
Friends Committee on Legislation Sacramento, CA
American Friends Service Committee
Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Washington, D.C.
Pax Christi USA, Erie, PA
Friends for a Nonviolent World, Minneapolis, MN
Jewish Peace Fellowship, Nyack, NY
No-Conscription Fellowship - historical account of the group organized by two pacifists in the wake of World War I.
Mulford Q. Sibley on the philosophical foundations of pacifism
A pacifist's view of the bombing war in Serbia, 1999 March
Pacifism in Michigan during WWI
More details for a proposed Mercy Force referred to in the 1996 USPP platform.
The Name of the Game; An essay on logical strategies for peace; 1997
The Enola Gay and the Apocalypse Equation; An essay on nuclear deterrence; 1995
Norfolk Quaker House, Hampton Roads, VA
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Oakland, CA & Philadelphia, PA
National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors, Washington, D.C.
Seattle Draft and Military Counseling Center, Seattle, WA
Alternatives to Violence Project USA
Alternatives to Violence Project in CA
The links page of Desktop Resources, Philadelphia, PA
PeaceNet Peace related organizations with sites on IGC
The links page of The Nonviolence Web, Philadelphia, PA
The links page of Peace Action